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Museo della Seconda Guerra Mondiale a Clavais (Museum of WW2 in Clavais)

The 2nd WW Museum is hosted in the former dairy in Clavais and is supposed to open in 2021, after a 1 year postponement due to the Covid pandemic. The core of the exhibition are the remainings of an american bomber (B-25 “Pretzel”) crashed near Mt. Zoncolan. The remainings were picked up and used by local and the whole story remained unknown until some youngster from Clavais decided to pick up the remainings still left in the woods. Those who have already picked up and otherwise used the remainings have also contributed to the birt of the Museum.

Il piccolo Museo sulla Seconda Guerra Mondiale è ospitato in un locale dell'Ex latteria di Clavais ed è risultato della ricerca di tutti i resti di un bombardiere americano (B-25 “Pretzel”) precipitato in una gola a quota 1350 mt. Nei pressi della vetta del Monte Zoncolan. Nessuno dell'equipaggio sopravvisse. I resti furono in parte recuperati, conservati o riutilizzati, dagli abitanti di Clavais; gran numero di essi rimasero abbandonati sul territorio, fino a quando alcuni giovani di Clavais si sono interessati al recupero dei resti. Ricerca ed allestimento sono curati da Mattia Primus e da un suo amico. Il recupero di altri elementi è stato attuato coinvolgendo gli abitanti del paese, chiedendo loro di fornire i propri ritrovamenti al museo. Interessanti sono i reipieghi dei pezzi dell'aereo per costruire inferriate di una finestra o oggetti d'uso quotidiano.
Il Museo doveva essere inaugurato nel 2020, ma si è rinviato al 2021.
Clavais, Ovaro - Italy/Udine/Friuli Venezia Giulia
Tourist experience: Museum visit

Visita al museo
Spoken languages: Italian
Opening: TBD
Booking: TBD
Accessibility: No limitations

Accessibile a tutti
Local popolarity: 1
Destination influence: 1
Tourist contact: Mattia Primus
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Federica D'Orazio
Form filler: Anna Somma

Scarth Street

Recently in Campobasso some fragments of history have been found thanks to the action promoted by the Centro Storico Association.
In Piazza Pepe, on the wall of a building, is engraved the inscription "SCARTH ST" (or Scarth Street) a road sign made by the soldiers of the "Royal Canadian Regiment" during the Second World War. In 1943, in fact, the allied troops who came to liberate Campobasso from the German occupation, renamed many places of the center with names of famous English streets and squares and also the city was called "Canada Town".
Piazza Prefettura Campobasso - Italy/Campobasso/Molise
Photo gallery (3 images)
Tourist experience: Visit to Piazza Prefettura, the heart of the city, overlooked by the perspectives of the Cathedral and the Savoia Theatre, near which there is the inscription.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: Ten minutes
Opening: Always open
Booking: No booking required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Public square with no access limitation
Local popolarity: 5
Destination influence: 3
Cultural material heritage: Historical centre, Relevant road or piazza
Cultural immaterial heritage: Historical itinerary
Hidden intangible patrimony: Community tales
Experiences: Showing around
Form filler: Michele Fratino
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