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Municipality of Perušić - Kalić Rock

Placed in Kosinj Valley, Kalić Rock is a perfect place for hiking and climbing. There is a well-marked trail that leads to the top of the rock. The view from the top is amazing, especially since one can clearly see the meander of the Lika.
unknown Donji Kosinj - Croatia / Lika-Senj County
Tourist experience: Adventure tourism, active tourism. For those who love hiking, Kalić Rock is a place to visit in Kosinj Valley, especially because of the breathtaking view from its top.
Spoken languages: English, Croatian
Experience duration: Approximately 1 hour to climb to the top
Booking: No need
60-120 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Not accessible to people with mobility problems
Local popolarity: 6
Destination influence: 4
Tourist contact: Perušić Tourist Board
Natural heritage: Naturalistic itineraries, Hills, Flora, Fauna
Hidden tangible patrimony: Landscapes, Pathways
Experiences: Cycling, hiking, trekking, adventure motor, jeep safari, rafting, walking, exploring, Sport activities
Form filler: Anita Ladišić
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