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The milling activity has a great importance in the economy of the ancient rural communities. In a list dated 1446, there are 6 mills belonging to the Arcano family on the Corno river. These mills are moved by the waters carried by the river by means of roste and generally work with three wheels; in the period of drought with one and sometimes remain stationary due to lack of water. The careful management of the water and the roste of the horn is one of the first reasons for disagreement with the community of San Daniele accused several times of not respecting the borders and feudal rights of the Arcano. Over the years the mills are renovated and rebuilt. There were 8 mills on the Corno river: the Gonano mill at the San Daniele-Arcano Superiore road, the Ricci mill, the Rovere mill, the Poana mill, the Nicli mill, the Della Vedova mill, the Bazzara mill.
Rive d'Arcano - Friuli venezia Giulia
Tourist experience: Visiting the mills and take a walk in the countryside
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 1 hour
Opening: Every day
Booking: Upon request
Accessibility: N/A
Local popolarity: 4
Destination influence: 4
Cultural material heritage: Industrial patrimony
Cultural immaterial heritage: Handicrafts (such as embroidery, carving), Traditional work
Natural heritage: Naturalistic itineraries, Rivers
Hidden tangible patrimony: Landscapes
Hidden intangible patrimony: Knowledge related to agriculture and wild herbs
Experiences: Showing around
Form filler: Marco Zilli
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