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Municipality of Perušić - Old Town Perušić / Turkish Tower / Gradina

Old Town Perušić / Turkish Tower / Gradina are names used by the locals to refer to the remains of an old fortress placed near the city centre of Perušić. The fortress was built by the noble family Perušić, after whom Perušić got its name. It was also a defence fort during the Ottoman Empire.
Perušić - Croatia / Lika-Senj County
Tourist experience: By visiting the Turkish tower, one can see the most famous historical building in Perušić and learn more about local history.
Spoken languages: English, Croatian
Experience duration: 2 hours
Opening: Always available
Booking: No need
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Accessible to everyone
Local popolarity: 8
Destination influence: 6
Tourist contact: Perušić Tourist Board
Cultural material heritage: Historical palace/castle
Cultural immaterial heritage: Historical itinerary
Hidden intangible patrimony: Building practices
Form filler: Anita Ladišić
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