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Montecopiolo Castel

Ruins of the Count's Castle of the Counts of Montefeltro
Via del Castello, 67, 61014 Montecopiolo Montecopiolo - Provincia di Rimini
Tourist experience: The Montecopiolo castle was the main power center of medieval Montefeltro, the founding nucleus of the Montefeltro lordship and one of the main strongholds of the duchy of Urbino.
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 3 H
Opening: The attraction is always open
Booking: Reservation is not required
20-40 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: People with limited mobility can meet several issues
Local popolarity: 10
Destination influence: 3
Tourist contact: Proloco Montecopiolo
Cultural material heritage: Historical palace/castle
Local contact: Proloco Montecopiolo
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari
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