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La femenate a Paularo (Femenate - fire ritual in Paularo)

The femenate is a fascinating fire ritual, linked with ancient celtic traditions and taking place on every year on January 5th.It is part of Epiphany rituals and it is similar to other fire rituals taking place in other areas in Friuli. This ritual is common in all of the hamlets of the municipality and consists in setting on fire a wooden rhomboid structure covered with dry grass and leaves in order to wish for luck and prosperity for the new year.

La femenate è uno spettacolo suggestivo, legato alle tradizioni più antiche, addirittura alle ritualità celtiche del fuoco ed alla sua azione vivificatrice e purificatrice, è quello che puntualmente illumina le fredde serate del 5 gennaio. Fa parte dei riti epifanici che tra il 5 e 6 gennaio si svolgono dai monti alla pianura in tutto il Friuli, sia pure diversificati per scenari e contorni.La Femenàte è realizzata partendo da un’intelaiatura romboidale, sostenuta da una pertica di abete sufficientemente lunga e saldamente piantata nel terreno, coperta con stanghe di abete fissate con chiodi, ramaglie e fogliame secchi. La vallata si infiamma di vari fuochi, in quasi ogni frazione.
Tourist experience: Tourists can participate to the ritual but could also take part in the preparation of the "femenate".

L’esperienza turistica, oltre a consistere nella partecipazione al rito, in una chiave di sviluppo potrebbe prevedere una partecipazione alla preparazione delle femenatas.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: Half a day (late afternoon/evening)

Opening: January 5th

5 gennaio di ogni anno
Booking: Not needed
Non richiesta
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No limitations
Nessuna limitazione
Local popolarity: 8
Destination influence: 5
Tourist contact: Santina Del Negro
Cultural immaterial heritage: Local traditions or legend
Local contact: Santina Del Negro
Form filler: Anna Somma

Pumpkin Festival

The pumpkin festival, also known as Pumpkins Celebration, aims to promote a local product that can be found only in this area and is very particular thanks to the characteristics of the soil, which makes the violin pumpkin an indigenous product to be protected and enhanced. The event is also an opportunity to promote all the local products with food and craft stands.
Ostellato - Italy/Ferrara/Emilia Romagna
Tourist experience: In the Mezzano Valleys, the soil gives the fruit unique organoleptic characteristics, and the pumpkin called "violina", with its orange pulp, compact, sweet and firm, reaches the highest quality. The Pumpkin Festival offers artisan and typical products markets, exhibitions and shows, food stands and workshops for children, to discover the ancient rural and agricultural traditions of the area. Every restaurant in the area takes part to the gastronomic circuit "Pumpkin on the table" and will serve special pumpkin-based menus for all weekends in October, interpreted by well-known chefs and restaurateurs always poised between creativity and tradition.
Experience duration: 2 days
Opening: Second, third and fourth week end of October
Booking: No
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Yes
Local popolarity: 10
Destination influence: 6
Tourist contact: Arianna Ferri ProLoco Ostellato
Cultural immaterial heritage: Handicrafts (such as embroidery, carving), Local events (theatre, music, dance, exhibitions), Local markets
Hidden intangible patrimony: Gastronomy and culinary practices, Knowledge related to agriculture and wild herbs
Experiences: Cooking class, Handicraft laboratories
Local contact: Arianna Ferri
Form filler: Tristana Randi
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