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Mateureka - Museo del Calcolo e della matematica

On the four floors of the ancient town hall, the museum offers an engaging journey through this fascinating adventure of the mind: important archaeological finds, ancient calculation tools and mathematical texts.
Piazza Garibaldi, 47864 Pennabilli (Rimini) Pennabilli - Provincia di Rimini
Tourist experience: It's the museum you don't expect in a mountain town. It deserves to be visited not only because it is unexpected but also because it offers information on mathematics at an extremely qualified level.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 3 H
Opening: During the winter the museum is open only in the week end.
From June to August is open every day from 9.30 to 18.30
Booking: Booking is not required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No problem for people with mobility issues
Local popolarity: 7
Destination influence: 4
Tourist contact: Prof. Renzo Baldoni
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Prof. Renzo Baldoni
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari
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