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Carpegna Prince Palace

Monumental house of the princes of Carpegna that dominates the center of the homonymous municipality
Piazza dei Conti, 4 Carpegna - PU
Photo gallery (1 image)
Tourist experience: The palace is still inhabited by the princes. The tourist can understand how the nobles lived in everyday life and learn about some exciting adventures that have had the palace as protagonist.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: Half day
Opening: The visit must be agreed with the Palace owner
Booking: Reservation is required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: People with limited mobility can meet several issues
Local popolarity: 10
Destination influence: 5
Tourist contact: Carpegna - Falconeri Conti di
Cultural material heritage: Historical palace/castle
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari
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