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Fornaci De Mezzo

The main occupation of the population of these areas in the period between '800and mid-'900 was agriculture, at the same time various small artisan companies developed in support of the latter and construction, which mainly dealt with iron processing and wood. Two kilns were built, one used for the production of lime located in the floodplains of the Petoc ​​stream and the other in the locality of de Mezzo for the production of bricks. The de Mezzo furnace was built at the end of the 19th century and towards 1903 it was renovated and enlarged with the construction of a "Hoffman" type furnace, characterized by 18 continuous fire combustion chambers with modern machinery and equipment capable of producing high-quality materials. quality in a short time, fueled first with coal and then with oil, it was equipped with trolleys on rails for loading and unloading operations. The furnace thus became an important center where about a hundred workers worked, contributing to the economic support of many families in the area.
Via udine 13 Località Fornaci De Mezzo - Friuli venezia Giulia
Tourist experience: Visiting the furnace and take a walk in the countryside.
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 1 hour
Opening: Upon request
Booking: Upon request
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: N/A
Local popolarity: 4
Destination influence: 4
Cultural material heritage: Industrial patrimony
Cultural immaterial heritage: Handicrafts (such as embroidery, carving)
Natural heritage: Parks, Naturalistic itineraries, Hills, Flora, Fauna
Hidden tangible patrimony: Landscapes
Experiences: Showing around
Form filler: Marco Zilli
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