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Street Art Path

In the last ten years Malatesta Association has created in Campobasso the “Draw The Line” project. It is a street art path made by national and international artists, that have painted on many building’s facades in different areas of the city and in particular in the suburb of San Giovanni dei Gelsi. Today it is an open-air gallery of unique artworks by Peeta, Blu, Etnik and others that made the city famous in the world of art lovers.
Via Giuseppe Garibaldi Campobasso - Italy/Campobasso/Italy
Photo gallery (9 images)
Video (1 video)
Tourist experience: The path to discover the street-art works in Campobasso is widespread in various points of the city, especially in the suburb of San Giovanni dei Gelsi. It is an experience of knowledge of the city and its urban development beyond the area of the historic center. The tour can be done using public transport starting from the bus station of Villetta Flora.
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: Always open
Booking: No booking required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No access limitation
Local popolarity: 10
Destination influence: 8
Tourist contact: Malatesta Associati
Cultural material heritage: open air museum
Cultural immaterial heritage: Contemporary Art
Hidden tangible patrimony: Landscapes, Pathways
Experiences: Showing around, Urban path
Form filler: Nella Rescigno

Benito Partisani Mastro Lupo Artist

Benito Partisani, in art Mastro Lupo, was born in Predappio in 1906 where he lived and worked until his death in 1969. Mastro Lupo, who lived in the middle of the twentieth century, spectator of a very complex historical period, has always shown that art can help overcome divisions and hostility. An artist linked to his territory, documented by many artworks in the public spaces of Predappio, which can be considered a true open-air museum of the artist.
Predappio - Italy/Forlì/Emilia Romagna
Tourist experience: Predappio can be visited following Mastro Lupo incredible works: the whole territory is marked by his touch in an ideal itinerary that passes through Fiumana, the Pandolfa estate, the center of Predappio, Rocca delle Caminate and ends with the six vast canvases of the Battesimo di Cristo in the church of Predappio Alta.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 4 hours
Opening: Opening varies depending on the location
Booking: Guided tours on request
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Accessibility depends on the location
Local popolarity: 8
Destination influence: 1
Tourist contact: Sabrina Nanni
Cultural immaterial heritage: Legendary or historical persona or character
Hidden intangible patrimony: Community tales
Experiences: Showing around
Local contact: Monica Partisani
Form filler: Tristana Randi
Video caption