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The fate of the San Daniele tramway is not very different in its broad lines from those that affect all the tramways that arose between the end of the last century and the beginnings of the new one, that is, they are attributable to the common desire to promote exchanges and businesses in economically weak areas. A consortium of municipalities was formed in which Rive also participates, the mayor was part of the consortium deputation that controlled the exercise. The line was inaugurated on 29 September 1889 starting from the Cussignacco gate and reaching San Daniele, passing through the nearby Rivotta, Raucicco and the Ledra and Corno bridges. From 1906 to 1924 the tramway was in the hands of the Società Veneta which bought a new locomotive, planned the extension of the line up to Pinzano and after the war put cabin locomotives into service. In 1924 the management was taken over by the Tramvia consortium and subsequently in 1950 the Province of Udine took over. In this period, the use of the tramway fell into disuse due to the high operating costs and the increasing use of the car which involves the asphalting of the road section to replace the railway.
Rive d'Arcano - Friuli Venezia Giulia
Tourist experience: Visiting the mills and take a walk in the countryside nearby.
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 1 hour
Opening: Every day
Booking: Not required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: N/A
Local popolarity: 4
Destination influence: 4
Cultural material heritage: Industrial patrimony, Relevant road or piazza
Natural heritage: Naturalistic itineraries, Hills
Hidden tangible patrimony: Landscapes
Hidden intangible patrimony: Building practices
Experiences: Showing around
Form filler: Marco Zilli
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