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Madonna del Bosco Sanctuary

Important sanctuary, destination of numerous pilgrimages, which rises in an area formerly covered by a dense bush, where, according to tradition, frequent miracles were repeated. The first miracle occurred in 1714, after the deposition of an ex-voto image. The sanctuary preserves a ceramic image of the Virgin dating back to the 1500’s.

The whole history of the sanctuary, its origins, miracles, transformations from 1700 to present, in this site managed and curated by professor Lucci, resident in Alfonsine, and local history expert.
Website dedicated to the valorisation of less known historical and artistic heritage. Object of this website are the votive shrines, those expressions of private and popular religiosity that, with different names, dot the entire Italian territory, urban and above all rural, and which in Romagna are more commonly defined pillars. It provides a general overview of these forms of art and minor devotion, their history and their use.
Via Raspona, 81 Alfonsine - Italy/Ravenna/Emilia Romagna
Photo gallery (2 images)
Audio (1 audio)
Other documents (1 document)
Tourist experience: Sanctuaries have long been meeting places for people on a pilgrimage of faith. This tradition still exists today, but visitors might also want to explore the cultural heritage or discover the sources of spirituality. The general atmosphere of the shrine can reflect a recognized event of a supernatural character, an apparition or a miracle, or some historic events that took place at the given site, which represent an authentic and deep experience both for locals and tourists.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 1 hour
Opening: Sundays afternoon
Booking: No
40-60 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Accessible to anyone
Local popolarity: 6
Destination influence: 2
Tourist contact: Davide Don Ferrini
Cultural material heritage: Religious building, Monastery, sanctuary
Cultural immaterial heritage: Religious cult
Local contact: Laura Beltrami
Form filler: Tristana Randi

Church of Santa Maria Maggiore

The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore was built as a church belonging to the Monforte Castle of Campobasso. Inside there is the statue of the Madonna dei Monti, venerated by the citizens as the protector of the city, together with the patron Saint Giorgio. The Infiorata is dedicated to her every year, on May 31st, is made a carpet with flower petals that covers the streets on which her statue is carried in procession. The church is decorated with frescoes by local artist Amedeo Trivisonno, depicting the life of Mary and the Mysteries of the Rosary.
Viale delle Rimembranze, 45 Campobasso - Italy/Campobasso/Molise
Photo gallery (5 images)
Tourist experience: Participation to Infiorata event that is dedicated to Madonna dei Monti and live the experience with the locals.
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: all day long
Opening: Mass hours
Booking: No booking required
20-40 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: The building is accessible by a ramp
Local popolarity: 8
Destination influence: 5
Cultural material heritage: Church, Monastery, sanctuary
Cultural immaterial heritage: Religious cult, Local traditions or legend
Natural heritage: Hills, Flora, SIC Area (site of community interest)
Hidden tangible patrimony: Landscapes
Hidden intangible patrimony: Local customs
Experiences: Showing around, Religious itinerary
Form filler: Nella Rescigno
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