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Sangiovese Winery&Vineyards in Predappio

The vineyards and the vineyards experiences are the hearth of Predappio, glorious places to taste terrific wines and to learn about winemaking and grape-growing. Situated in panoramic location and therefore offering stunning and superb views, they produce wine with the unmistakeable stamp of the valley’s terroir, characterized by the presence of a spongy rock, the called Spungone, that gives a particular and distinctive character to the local Sangiovese.
Predappio - Italy/Forlì/Emilia Romagna
Tourist experience: Experiencing the local culture is a huge part of travelling and trying traditional food is largely connected with that cultural experience. Visitors always want to eat and buy local products as traditional foods are part of a country’s heritage and are strongly rooted within the memories of the local people. Combined flexible itineraries characterized by food and drink tasting sessions of cheeses, wines, local gastronomy etc. and food and drink tours and trails represent a good way to taste a small part of the culture, support local businesses and the local economy, and establish connections between the local people and travellers.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 1 to 3 days
Booking: Recommended
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Contact the vineyard
Local popolarity: 8
Destination influence: 5
Tourist contact: Stefano Berti
Cultural material heritage: Historic house
Cultural immaterial heritage: Historical itinerary, Local traditions or legend, Traditional work, Legendary or historical persona or character
Natural heritage: Naturalistic itineraries, Hills, Rivers, Flora
Hidden tangible patrimony: Landscapes, Pathways
Hidden intangible patrimony: Local customs, Community tales, Knowledge related to agriculture and wild herbs
Experiences: Showing around
Local contact: Stefano Berti
Form filler: Tristana Randi
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