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Centrale idroelettrica

The Ledra canal that crosses the territory of the municipality of Rive d’Arcano has five centuries of history. The first excavation project dates back to 1487 when the Venetian government proposed the excavation of a navigable canal that would favor trade and agriculture, starting from Gemona and flowing into the sea. Due to various vicissitudes including the conflict with the Turks, the project was immediately shelved. Subsequently the idea with some changes to the route, was resumed in the second half of the nineteenth century by the engineer Giovanni Battista Locatelli who found its realization in February 1978 and was completed in 1889. In 1908 the works of the electrical workshop of owned by Cotonificio Udinese, built in the area where the Petoc ​​and the Corno meet. The intention of the property is to found a large factory on site and thus create jobs. Due to some unclear problems, the idea will soon vanish and with it the possibility for the municipality to reserve the right to supply public lighting and water supply to the center of the village.
Via Roma Rive d'Arcano - Friuli Venezia Giulia
Tourist experience: Visiting the exterior of the building and take a walk in the countryside.
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 1 hour
Opening: Every day
Booking: Not required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: N/A
Local popolarity: 5
Destination influence: 5
Cultural material heritage: Industrial patrimony
Natural heritage: Naturalistic itineraries, Rivers
Hidden tangible patrimony: Landscapes
Hidden intangible patrimony: Building practices
Experiences: Showing around
Form filler: Marco Zilli
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