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City of Gospić - Bicycle trails

In the area of the town of Gospić, there are eight bicycle trails, with a total length of 397 km. They are known under the common name "Paths of Velebit and Greats".
The first two trails lead from Gospić to Smiljan ("Velikana I" - 41 km and "Velikana II" - 41 km), and on that route you can see the birth house of Nikola Tesla, where the Memorial Center is arranged. Driving along this trail you will arrive to Veliki Žitnik, where the Croatian politician and Father of the Nation Ante Starčević was born, and you can visit his birthplace - the Memorial Home.

The third trail is "Jezero" leading to the village of Klanac where one can see fascinating canyon of the river Lika, and Lake Kruščica is nearby. The length of the trail is 35 km.

The "Štirovača" trail is the most demanding, its length is 104 km. It passes through the village of Aleksinica where is one of the most important sacral monuments in the area of Lika, the parish of St. John the Baptist. A beer factory and an Indian village can be seen in village of Pazarište.

The "Brušane" and "Rizvanuša" trails are 36 km long and more demanding. They lead to the village of Rizvanuša where the Adrenaline Park is located.

The "Velebit" trail is 58 km long. It leads through Baške Oštarije with a beautiful view of the Adriatic Sea and the island of Pag.

The "Jadovno" trail is 48 km long, and you can see pits and a church in the village of Jadovno, the Nikola Tesla Memorial Center in Smiljan, and the Kolakovac Park in Gospić.
Gospić - Croatia / Lika-senj county
Tourist experience: Bicycle trails are an ideal way to actively explore natural and cultural sights. Driving these trails you can see Kolakovac Park, Rizvanuša Adrenaline Park, Nikola Tesla Memorial Center, Ante Starčević Memorial Home, Parish Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Klanac, Lika River Canyon, Lake Krušćica, beer factory in Pazarište, Indian village in Velika Plana…
Spoken languages: English, Croatian
Experience duration: A few hours, depends which trail you choose
Opening: Always available
Booking: No need
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Experience accessible to everyone who has a bike
Local popolarity: 6
Destination influence: 8
Tourist contact: Tourist Board Gospić
Cultural material heritage: Museum, Religious building, Church, Historic house
Cultural immaterial heritage: Historical itinerary
Natural heritage: Naturalistic itineraries, Lakes, Hills, Caves, Rivers, Flora, Fauna, cycling trails
Hidden tangible patrimony: Landscapes, Water streams, Pathways
Experiences: Cycling through nature
Form filler: Tamara Božić Smojver

City of Gospić - Memorial home of Ante Starčević

Ante Starčević was a Croatian historian and lawyer who was born in the village called Veliki Žitnik, near Gospić, in 1823. He is often referred to as "The father of the homeland".
The memorial home of Ante Starčević was opened on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of his birth. In November 2014, this memorial house became a multimedia center for all those whom Starčević inspired with his thoughts and deeds.
Veliki Žitnik - Croatia/ Lika-Senj county
Tourist experience: By visiting the memorial home, visitors can learn a lot about the life of Ante Starčević through the documentary film “Past in the Present: Ante Starčević” by Vladimir Fučijaš. They can also see an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Ante Starčević.
There is a possibility to rent a hall for conferences, presentations, business meetings, seminars and trainings.
Spoken languages: English, Croatian
Experience duration: A few hours
Booking: Booking required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Accessible to everyone
Local popolarity: 8
Destination influence: 6
Tourist contact: State archive Gospić
Cultural material heritage: Historic house
Experiences: Conferences, presentations, business meetings, seminars and trainings
Form filler: Tamara Božić Smojver

City of Gospić - The Nikola Tesla Memorial Center

The Nikola Tesla Memorial Center was established on July 10th, 2006 by the City of Gospić, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Nikola Tesla's birth. The Center preserves the life and work of Nikola Tesla. The Birth house has a permanent interactive exhibit that was introduced by the Croatian History Museum and the Technical Museum of Zagreb with the coordination of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia. The top floor of the house holds replicas of Tesla’s inventions that changed the world forever and are the foundation for cutting edge technologies even today.
Smiljan 87/1 Smiljan - Croatia/ Lika-Senj county
Photo gallery (2 images)
Tourist experience: In The Nikola Tesla memorial center visitors get to know with life and work of Nikola Tesla. The Center was created in such a way that it unites culture, science and tourism. The visitors can enjoy the intact Lika nature which stimulated Tesla to create his first inventions.
Spoken languages: English, Croatian
Experience duration: 2 hours
Booking: Booking required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Accessible to everyone
Local popolarity: 10
Destination influence: 9
Tourist contact: The Nikola Tesla Memorial Center
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Natural heritage: Naturalistic itineraries
Form filler: Tamara Božić Smojver

Museo del Legno e della Segheria Veneziana Aplis (Venetian Sawmill and Wood Museum)

The core business of the Aplis sawmill was the production of beams. In Ovaro, the exploitation of woods to prooduce beams and other wooden products has been documented since the 18th Century. This specific sawmill is a Venetian one with a saw moved by an idraulic wheel (the water used was the one from the Degano river). The creation of a museum has allowed the development of an exhibition about wood collection and production. On the second floor, visitors can witness the workshop of the last fiddler of the valley.

La segheria di Aplis è una segheria costruita per la lavorazione dei travi e grandi tavolati. Lo sfruttamento della risorsa boschiva nella filiera del legno è documentata, a Ovaro, a partire dal 700. La segheria di tipo veneziano, costituita da una sega ad una lama azionata da una ruota idraulica, azionata dalle acque del torrente Degano fin lì canalizzate.
La musealizzazione dell'impianto di lavorazione ha permesso di sviluppare un percorso espositivo sulla filiera del legno.
Sul soppalco della struttura è ospitata la faria di Remo Capellari, l'ultimo fabbro della Val Pesarina (la fucina si trova a Prato sul rio Dentro).
Aplis 2/c Ovaro - Italia, Udine, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Photo gallery (3 images)
Tourist experience: Visit to the museum.

Ingresso al museo in autonomia
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: Approx 20 minutes.

20 minuti circa
Opening: Depends on availability.

Su richiesta
Booking: Booking required.
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No limitations

Accessible a tutti
Local popolarity: 2
Destination influence: 1
Tourist contact: Hotel Aplis Hotel Aplis
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Cultural immaterial heritage: Traditional work
Local contact: Federica D'Orazio
Form filler: Anna Somma

Museo della Seconda Guerra Mondiale a Clavais (Museum of WW2 in Clavais)

The 2nd WW Museum is hosted in the former dairy in Clavais and is supposed to open in 2021, after a 1 year postponement due to the Covid pandemic. The core of the exhibition are the remainings of an american bomber (B-25 “Pretzel”) crashed near Mt. Zoncolan. The remainings were picked up and used by local and the whole story remained unknown until some youngster from Clavais decided to pick up the remainings still left in the woods. Those who have already picked up and otherwise used the remainings have also contributed to the birt of the Museum.

Il piccolo Museo sulla Seconda Guerra Mondiale è ospitato in un locale dell'Ex latteria di Clavais ed è risultato della ricerca di tutti i resti di un bombardiere americano (B-25 “Pretzel”) precipitato in una gola a quota 1350 mt. Nei pressi della vetta del Monte Zoncolan. Nessuno dell'equipaggio sopravvisse. I resti furono in parte recuperati, conservati o riutilizzati, dagli abitanti di Clavais; gran numero di essi rimasero abbandonati sul territorio, fino a quando alcuni giovani di Clavais si sono interessati al recupero dei resti. Ricerca ed allestimento sono curati da Mattia Primus e da un suo amico. Il recupero di altri elementi è stato attuato coinvolgendo gli abitanti del paese, chiedendo loro di fornire i propri ritrovamenti al museo. Interessanti sono i reipieghi dei pezzi dell'aereo per costruire inferriate di una finestra o oggetti d'uso quotidiano.
Il Museo doveva essere inaugurato nel 2020, ma si è rinviato al 2021.
Clavais, Ovaro - Italy/Udine/Friuli Venezia Giulia
Tourist experience: Museum visit

Visita al museo
Spoken languages: Italian
Opening: TBD
Booking: TBD
Accessibility: No limitations

Accessibile a tutti
Local popolarity: 1
Destination influence: 1
Tourist contact: Mattia Primus
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Federica D'Orazio
Form filler: Anna Somma

Orologi (Pesariis Clocks)

The art of clockmaking in Pesariis dates back to the second half of the XVII Century and is linked to the Solari, Cappellari and Machin families. The technical developments in clockmaking have all been implemented and the production still continues today with two companies (Solari Udine and Pino&Vero) and two craftsman's labs.

L'arte orologiaia a Pesariis affonda le sue radici nella seconda metà del XVII sec. e coinvolge per secoli alcune famiglie (Capellari, Solari e Machin). Attraverso i passaggi dalla meccanica all'elettromeccanica fino all'elettronica approda fino ai giorni nostri e costituisce tutt'ora una voce produttiva sia con lo stabilimento della Solari Udine in Possal, sia con l'azienda Pino&Vero Solari snc in Chiamepas e i laboratori artigianali di Alvio Machin ad Osais e quello di Renzo Martin a Pieria. Storia di territorio, di artigiani, della capacità imprenditoriale e produttiva mirata ad eccellere nello specifico mercato nel corso dei secoli sia in Italia che all'estero.
Negli ultimi vent'anni la storia orologiaia è divenuta protagonista di progetti di conservazione e valorizzazione di orologi prodotti e con obiettivi turistici
a Pesariis attraverso la creazione del Museo dell'orologeria, cui ha fatto seguito la realizzazione di un percorso dell'orologeria monumentale sito a Pesariis con esemplari presenti anche in altre frazioni della Vallata.
Pesariis, 68 (Museo dell'orologeria) Pesariis - Italia/Udine/Friuli Venezia Giulia
Photo gallery (2 images)
Tourist experience: Individual visit or guided tour.

Visita al museo e/o al percorso monumentale in autonomia
Visita guidata al Museo dell'orologeria e al percorso monumentale
Spoken languages: Italian, English, Deutsche
Experience duration: Guided tour: 1h30

Visita guidata 1 ora e mezza
Opening: Check Prato Carnico's website for updates and for information about guided tours.

Consultare sito Comune di Prato Carnico per orari aggiornati; visite guidate possibili in tutto l'anno
Booking: Required for guided tours.

Prenotazione obbligatoria per visite guidate
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Museo parzialmente accessibile ai disabili
Local popolarity: 10
Destination influence: 10
Tourist contact: Prato Carnico Comune
Cultural material heritage: Museum, Industrial patrimony
Cultural immaterial heritage: Handicrafts (such as embroidery, carving), storia economica di territorio
Local contact: Federica D'Orazio
Form filler: Anna Somma

Piccolo museo delle macchine per la fotografia e la cinematografia (Historical Museum of Cameras and Cinecameras)

The rooms of this former dairy now host the fruit of thirty years of patient research undertaken by the passionate collector, Odi Gonano. The collection - one of the largest to be found in the North East - besides the many cameras, cinecameras and amateur projectors, also includes a few rarities such as the great projectors from the Pesariis, Comeglians, Tolmezzo and Udine cinemas, which have been carefully recovered and restored by the museum's owner together with a few 35 mm professional reels of film. Among notable models, one can find also the Arriflex cinecameras used by Pasolini in Cinecittà and donated to the collector by Dante Spinotti. The museum hosts original material, tightly linked to the history of the village along the last century, and not yet fully classified. The collector has spent the past years searching for a wider, more appropriate place where to move his collection.

Il museo è risultato di decenni di ricerca di Odi Gonano, appassionatosi fin da bambino della stanza di proiezione del cinema presso il CRAL a Pesariis. Ha acquisito i proiettori e i riavvolgitori di bobine di alcune sale cinematografiche della Carnia. Nel museo si ritrova la stanza di proiezione del cinema pesarino e attraverso centinaia di manifesti si ricostruisce la cinematografia e la programmazione della sala del CRAL.
La collezione vanta decine di modelli di cineprese (come le cineprese Arriflex utilizzate da Pasolini a Cinecittà, donate dal premio Oscar Dante Spinotti) e macchine fotografiche e particolari attrezzature, come quella per il foto-ritocco.
In museo è conservato l'archivio di tutte le lastre originali del fotografo pesarino Luigi Monaci, che aveva lo studio vicino al Palazzo della Pesa, e di cui il sig. Gonano è proprietario. Un fondo corposo, non ancora catalogato, in cui vengono restituiti il contesto comunitario attraverso la ritrattistica e le fotografie scattate per la Ditta Fratelli Solari per la redazione dei cataloghi di vendita e per documentare gli orologi elettromeccanici degli anni Trenta.

Il museo non ha un luogo espositivo adeguato e il sig. Gonano è da anni alla ricerca di un'altra sede.

La collezione è ospitata nell'Ex-caseificio sociale di Pieria, che al piano superiore ospitava una filiale della Banca Carnica.
Ex-caseificio sociale Pieria - Italia/Udine/Friuli Venezia Giulia
Photo gallery (2 images)
Tourist experience: Guided tour by the owner.

Visita guidata al museo curata dal proprietario
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 1 hour.

1 ora
Opening: Booking required.

Su richiesta
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Not accessible for people with mobility issues (stairs)

Non accessibile a disabili in carrozzina
Local popolarity: 10
Destination influence: 1
Tourist contact: Odi Gonano
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Hidden tangible patrimony: cinema e studio fotografico
Hidden intangible patrimony: fotografia e ritrattistica; campagna pubblicitaria di azienda locale
Local contact: Federica D'Orazio
Form filler: Anna Somma

Pieve di Gorto e Museo della Pieve (Gorto Parish Curch and Museum)

Santa Maria Parish Curch has been built between VII and IX Century on the Agrons Hill, the original location, according to the tradition, of the Agrons Castle.
The Church has 3 aisles and hosts rare and fine antiquities, among which a fresco from the XII – XIII Century and a collection of liturgical objects. The Church hill has been used as a war refuge during WW1 and some of the tunnels are still partly visible.
The Parish Curch Museum is hosted in the former dairy of Cella and its collection includes archaeological finds as well as liturgic furniture and several works of art.

Pare che l'attuale Pieve di Santa Maria sia stata eretta tra il secolo VII ed il IX sul colle di Agròns, dove, secondo la tradizione sorgeva il castello di Agrons, con le pietre del quale fu edificata la Pieve.
La Pieve si presenta come una basilica a tre navate e custodisce pregevoli e rare antichità: affreschi risalenti al XII – XIII secolo con la parabola evangelica delle dieci Vergini ed una ricca raccolta di oggetti artistici e liturgici. In un vano della Pieve è ospitato un Lapidarium.
Il colle su cui sorge la Pieve è percorso da gallerie utilizzate come rifugio durante la I Guerra Mondiale e sono in minima parte ancora percorribili.

Il Museo della Pieve è ospitato nei locali dell'Ex latteria a Cella: in esso sono conservati reperti archeologici, arredi sacri ed opere d'arte sacra.
Strada Statale 465, 92, 33025 Cella - Italia/Udine/Friuli Venezia Giulia
Photo gallery (2 images)
Tourist experience: Guided tour to the Church and the Museum.

Visita guidata alla Pieve ed al Museo della Pieve
Spoken languages: Italian, English, local dialect
Experience duration: 2 hours approximately

2 ore circa
Opening: Check information on website:
Booking: Booking required

Su prenotazione
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: The Museum is accessible and reachable in 1 minute drive from the Church.

Accessibilità per tutti. Si percorre a piedi la salita alla Pieve in 15 minuti circa. Il Museo dista 1 minuto in auto dalla Pieve.
Local popolarity: 10
Destination influence: 10
Tourist contact: Carnia Musei
Cultural material heritage: Museum, Church
Local contact: Federica D'Orazio
Form filler: Anna Somma

Planelas e scugjelas (Planelas and Scugjelas Exhibit)

The permanent exhibition Planelas and Scugjelas hosts a collection of ceramic products from XVIII sec onwards (flat tiles, kitchen products and so forth). The last furnace was closed in 1953 and, until then, the most active family in the production of ceramic products was the Felice Family. This is why the exhibition focusses on the work of this family, using also photographs and ancient documents. In the village one can also find two furnaces (not active) and a building formerly used for the ceramic products sale.

La mostra permanente Planelas e scugjelas ospita una collezione di manufatti ceramici prodotti nelle fornaci a partire dal XVIII sec.: le caratteristiche pianelle, tegole piatte in cotto con o senza smalto, vasellame da cucina e da mensa e condutture.
Nel corso della storia produttiva si distinse l'attività della famiglia Felice, emigrata a Cella per sviluppare questa attività imprenditoriale. L'ultima fornace fu chiusa nel 1953.
Un percorso espositivo in cui si focalizza la storia della famiglia Felice con il supporto di materiale fotografico e documentario.
In paese sono ancora presenti due fornaci e un edificio identificato come lo spaccio dei manufatti ceramici.
Via Cella, 35“Ex osteria Cimenti” Cella, Ovaro - Italia/Udine/Friuli Venezia Giulia
Photo gallery (3 images)
Tourist experience: Museum visit. Possibility of guided tours.

Ingresso al museo; possibilità di visite guidate
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: The visit can last from 20 minutes if on one's own to 1 hour, if guided.

Visita al museo in autonomia 20 minuti ca.; visita guidata 1 ora ca.
Opening: Updated schedule on the CarniaMusei Website:

Orari aggiornati sul sito di CarniaMusei
Booking: Booking required.

Visite guidate su prenotazione
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: None
Local popolarity: 10
Destination influence: 10
Cultural material heritage: Museum, edifici produttivi artigianali
Cultural immaterial heritage: Traditional work
Local contact: Federica D'Orazio
Form filler: Anna Somma

Battle of the Senio Museum

Museo del Senio is a modern museum documenting the final stages of the attacks on the Gothic Line, culminating with the battle of April the 10th 1945, an important event of World War II. The museum has two main displays: one is about the transit of the Allied troops and the other documents partisan resistance in Romagna. The collection includes many photographs, original maps, military uniforms and equipment, flags and military items that were converted for everyday use after the conflict.
Piazza della Resistenza, 2 Alfonsine - Italy/Ravenna/Emilia Romagna
Photo gallery (5 images)
Audio (2 audio)
Tourist experience: The museum is designed to emphasize the human experience of the war, both soldiers and partisans and of the people. The exhibition displays a wide collection of objects, photographs, materials relating to the resistance, in addition to a virtual experience in a bunker, where people used to hide during bombing.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 3 hours
Opening: Monday - Friday 9:00-12:00/14:00-17:00;
From March 16th to May 31st:
Saturday - Sunday 9:00-12:00/15:00-18:00.
From June 1st to March 15th:
Saturday and Sunday by appointment calling 3355872319
Closed: august, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Easter, May 1st.
Booking: No
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: Yes
Local popolarity: 10
Destination influence: 10
Tourist contact: Antonietta Di Carluccio
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Giuseppe Masetti
Form filler: Tristana Randi

"F. Assetto" Museum

Museo dedicato alle opere di Franco Assetto Giovanni XXIII,16 (PU) FRONTINO Frontino - Provincia di Pesaro Urbino
Photo gallery (1 image)
Tourist experience: The large number of pieces of art of mr Assetto located in the museum gives to the visitor the opportunity to know in deep the art of Mr Assetto.
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 2 - 3 Hours
Opening: On request
Booking: Reservation is not required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No problem for people with limited mobility
Local popolarity: 4
Destination influence: 2
Tourist contact: Frontino Pro Loco
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Frontino Pro Loco
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Earth Sciences Museum

The museum was established following the donation of Professor R. Pieruccini, a legacy comprising about 4,000 samples of rocks, minerals and fossils
Piazza dei Conti Oliva, 1, 61026 Piandimeleto Piandimeleto - Provincia di Pesaro Urbino
Photo gallery (1 image)
Tourist experience: The museum is an important collection of geological finds
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 2 H
Opening: From April to September, open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00

From October to March, open by reservation
Booking: Reservation is required from October to March.
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: People with limited mobility can meet several issues
Local popolarity: 7
Destination influence: 3
Tourist contact: Piandimeleto Proloco
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Piandimeleto Proloco
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Heraldry Museum

The museum collects the graphic, photographic and iconographic evidence of the most representative families of Montefeltro.
Piazza dei Conti Oliva, 1 Piandimeleto - Provincia di Pesaro Urbino
Photo gallery (1 image)
Tourist experience: This museum completes the knowledge of an often forgotten aspect: the iconography of the main families that have made the history of Montefeltro
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 2 H
Opening: From April to September, open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00

From October to March, open by reservation
Booking: Reservation is required from October to March
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No problem for people with limited mobility
Local popolarity: 7
Destination influence: 3
Tourist contact: Piandimeleto Proloco
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Piandimeleto Proloco
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Herbarium Museum of Marche region

The museum was organized by the University of Camerino. It exhibits 280 specimens of plants, flowers and herbs of Marche region.
Piazza dei Conti Oliva, 1, 61026 Piandimeleto Piandimeleto - Provincia di Pesaro Urbino
Tourist experience: The flora of the Marche region in one place
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 2 H
Opening: From April to September, the museum opens from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00

From October to March, the museum opens by reservation
Booking: From October to March, the museum opens by reservation
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No problem for people with limited mobility
Local popolarity: 7
Destination influence: 2
Tourist contact: Piandimeleto Proloco
Natural heritage: Natural museum
Local contact: Piandimeleto Proloco
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Madonna of the Snow Rectangle

Inside a small stone chapel was placed a tile by the ceramist Muky depicting the Madonna of the snow. On the entrance door, designed by Tonino Guerra, a large leaf is reproduced, one of its recurring symbolic elements.
Ca' Romano - Pennabilli - Provincia di Rimini
Photo gallery (2 images)
Tourist experience: The installation is another example of Tonino Guerra's ability to involve other artists in his poetic world.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 1 H
Opening: The installation is always open
Booking: No booking is needed
20-40 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: People with limited mobility can meet issues
Local popolarity: 8
Destination influence: 3
Tourist contact: Mostra Mercato Nazionale d’Antiquariato di Pennabilli Associazione
Cultural material heritage: artistic installation
Local contact: Mostra Mercato Nazionale d’Antiquariato di Pennabilli Associazione
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Mateureka - Museo del Calcolo e della matematica

On the four floors of the ancient town hall, the museum offers an engaging journey through this fascinating adventure of the mind: important archaeological finds, ancient calculation tools and mathematical texts.
Piazza Garibaldi, 47864 Pennabilli (Rimini) Pennabilli - Provincia di Rimini
Tourist experience: It's the museum you don't expect in a mountain town. It deserves to be visited not only because it is unexpected but also because it offers information on mathematics at an extremely qualified level.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 3 H
Opening: During the winter the museum is open only in the week end.
From June to August is open every day from 9.30 to 18.30
Booking: Booking is not required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No problem for people with mobility issues
Local popolarity: 7
Destination influence: 4
Tourist contact: Prof. Renzo Baldoni
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Prof. Renzo Baldoni
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Museum Arnaldo Pomodoro

Very interesting contemporary art museum
Via Castello Pietrarubbia - Provincia di Pesaro Urbino
Photo gallery (2 images)
Tourist experience: The museum contains numerous art works by Arnaldo Pomodoro and by artists who have participated in the TAM courses.
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 2 H
Opening: In summer every day in the morning and afternoon
In the other seasons the visit must be agreed with the restaurant Locanda delle Storie
Booking: Reservation is required or recommended.
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: People with limited mobility can meet several issues
Local popolarity: 8
Destination influence: 4
Tourist contact: delle storie Locanda
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: delle storie Locanda
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Museum of Ceramics and Medieval Metallurgy

The Museum houses a series of metal and ceramic finds found during the restoration of the area of the ancient village.
Via Castello Pietrarubbia - Provincia di Pesaro Urbino
Tourist experience: An unexpected small museum full of important contents in a small medieval village restored by an artist
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 2 H
Opening: On request
Booking: Reservation is not required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: People with limited mobility can meet several issues
Local popolarity: 5
Destination influence: 3
Tourist contact: Comunità Montana del Montefeltro Ufficio Turismo
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Comunità Montana del Montefeltro Ufficio Turismo
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Museum of the fifteen villages

Collection of historical memories of 15 villages that compose the Carpegna area.
Via Castacciaro 15 , 61021 Carpegna PU Carpegna - provincia di Pesaro Urbino
Photo gallery (1 image)
Tourist experience: The tourist can have an overview of a geographically complex territory made up of different communities.
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 2 H
Opening: On request
Booking: Reservation is not required
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No problem for people with limited mobility
Local popolarity: 5
Destination influence: 2
Tourist contact: Carpegna Proloco
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Carpegna Proloco
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Mushroom museum

It collects over 200 plaster stumps reproducing the most common species of Montefeltro mushrooms. Computer equipment able to connect to databases concerning the natural heritage of the Province of Pesaro and Urbino and mycology in general. The Multimedia Library. A conference room completes the museum.
Piazza della Libertà San Sisto di Piandimeleto - Provincia Pesaro Urbino
Photo gallery (1 image)
Tourist experience: In a unique place all kind of mushrooms that is possible to find in the regione Marche countryside and a lot of information on them.
Spoken languages: Italian
Experience duration: 2 H
Opening: Opening on request.
Booking: Reservation is required
40-60 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No problem for people with limited mobility
Local popolarity: 7
Destination influence: 4
Tourist contact: Comunità Montana del Montefeltro Ufficio Turismo
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Natural heritage: Natural museum
Local contact: Comunità Montana del Montefeltro Ufficio Turismo
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Naturalistic Museum Sasso Simone e Simoncello

The museum presents large animals and the most important habitats that can be encountered in the park area.
Viale dei Tigli, 5A, 47864 Pennabilli RN Pennabilli - Provincia di Rimini
Photo gallery (1 image)
Tourist experience: Visiting the museum, the tourist can quickly understand the main characteristics of the park as regards flora, fauna and geology.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 2 H
Opening: Fall, Spring and Winter only during the week end.
Summer everyday.
Booking: Not requested
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No limitations for people with limited mobility.
Local popolarity: 6
Destination influence: 2
Tourist contact: Irene Valenti
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Natural heritage: Natural museum
Local contact: Irene Valenti
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Peasant Work Museum

The Museum is organized in sections: The wheat cycle; religiosity; rural crafts; the blacksmith; the shoemaker; the carpenter; the rope maker; the stonemason; the cart; the farmhouse.
Piazza dei Conti Oliva, 1, 61026 Piandimeleto Piandimeleto - Provincia di Pesaro Urbino
Tourist experience: The museum offers a very detailed panorama of the tools that accompanied the peasant civilization in its various aspects and moments
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 2 H
Opening: From April to September, the museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00.

In the other months it is open on request.
Booking: Reservation is required from October to March
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No problem for people with limited mobility
Local popolarity: 7
Destination influence: 3
Tourist contact: Piandimeleto Proloco
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Cultural immaterial heritage: Local traditions or legend, Handicrafts (such as embroidery, carving)
Local contact: Piandimeleto Proloco
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

The angel with the mustache

"The angel with the mustache" is a work by the painter Luigi Poiaghi inspired by a short story by Tonino Guerra transcribed on the walls of the small chapel that houses the painting.
Chiesetta dei caduti, Via delle Confraternite, 47864 Pennabilli RN Pennabilli - Provincia di Rimini
Photo gallery (1 image)
Tourist experience: Tonino Guerra in his existence has crossed and given impetus to the inspiration of other artists giving rise to large and small pieces of art
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 1 H
Opening: N.A.
Booking: Not Needed
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No problems for people with limited mobility
Local popolarity: 5
Destination influence: 1
Tourist contact: Mostra Mercato Nazionale d’Antiquariato di Pennabilli Associazione
Cultural material heritage: artistic installation
Local contact: Mostra Mercato Nazionale d’Antiquariato di Pennabilli Associazione
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

The petrified garden

At the foot of a thousand-year-old tower, seven ceramic carpets are laid out dedicated to as many characters from the past who lived or passed through this place.
Bascio - Pennabilli - Provincia di Rimini
Tourist experience: Before visiting this installation it is advisable for the tourist to inquire about the meaning of the seven ceramic carpets that compose it. The works refer to precise moments in the history of Pennabilli.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 3 H
Opening: Always open
Booking: It's not needed to book the visit
20-40 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: People with limited mobility can meet some issues
Local popolarity: 8
Destination influence: 3
Tourist contact: Mostra Mercato Nazionale d’Antiquariato di Pennabilli Associazione
Cultural material heritage: artistic installation
Local contact: Mostra Mercato Nazionale d’Antiquariato di Pennabilli Associazione
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

The refuge of the abandoned madonnas

The abandoned Madonnas are located inside the Garden of Forgotten Fruits. The "Refuge of the abandoned Madonnas" is a collection of Madonnas in terracotta and ceramic painted by artists of various origins.
Via San Filippo, 1 Pennabilli - Provincia di Rimini
Photo gallery (1 image)
Tourist experience: Another step towards understanding Tonino Guerra's poetic conception
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 1 H
Opening: N.A.
Booking: Booking is not needed.
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: People with mobility issues can meet some problems
Local popolarity: 7
Destination influence: 4
Tourist contact: Mostra Mercato Nazionale d’Antiquariato di Pennabilli Associazione
Cultural material heritage: artistic installation
Local contact: Mostra Mercato Nazionale d’Antiquariato di Pennabilli Associazione
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

The sanctuary of thoughts

The "Sanctuary of thoughts" is bordered by the perimeter walls of a room in an ancient Malatesta residence. It houses seven stone sculptures, defined by the master as “seven opaque mirrors for the mind”. Each of the seven stems invites meditation and an introspective journey favored, in this, by the silence and intimacy of the place.
Via San Rocco, 47864 Pennabilli RN Pennabilli - provincia di Rimini
Tourist experience: Tourists are invited to use the seven sculptures as an opportunity and tools for introspection and meditation. “Seven opaque mirrors for the mind” as Tonino Guerra defined them.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: Impossible to define a time limit.
Opening: Always open
Booking: Not needed
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: People with limited mobility can meet some issues
Local popolarity: 8
Destination influence: 3
Tourist contact: Mostra Mercato Nazionale d’Antiquariato di Pennabilli Associazione
Cultural material heritage: artistic installation
Local contact: Mostra Mercato Nazionale d’Antiquariato di Pennabilli Associazione
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Ugo Ubaldi Art Collection

The Art Collection is a heterogeneous bunch of various antiquities, works of art, objects and nature.
Piazza dei Conti Oliva, 1, 61026 Piandimeleto Piandimeleto - Provincia di Pesaro Urbino
Tourist experience: An example of modern "mirabilia" similar to the collections of seventeen century.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 1 H
Opening: Monday and Friday from 15.00 to 19.00; Wednesday from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00 Other days by reservation.
Booking: Reservation is required Monday morning and Tuesday and Thursday.
Less than 20 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: People with limited mobility can meet several issues
Local popolarity: 7
Destination influence: 2
Tourist contact: Piandimeleto Proloco
Cultural material heritage: Museum
Local contact: Piandimeleto Proloco
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari

Visitor center & Multimedia Naturalistic Museum

Visitor Center and Small Naturalistic Museum
Via Montefeltresca n°157 Loc. Ponte Cappuccini Pietra Rubbia - Provincia di Pesaro Urbino
Tourist experience: Tourists can get info about the Park and have a look of flora, fauna, and morphology of the surrounding region.
Spoken languages: Italian, English
Experience duration: 1 H
Opening: Every day in summer.
Booking: Reservation is not required
20-40 min by walk from the nearest accommodation, car parking or bus station
Accessibility: No problem for people with limited mobility
Local popolarity: 7
Destination influence: 1
Tourist contact: Sasso Simone Parco
Natural heritage: Naturalistic itineraries, Natural museum
Local contact: Sasso Simone Parco
Form filler: Gilberto Zangari
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